by wordsonawire_evsmg3 | Mar 22, 2023 | writings
Por Favor A poem by Laia Sales Merino Photo Credit: Gina Sales Merino FollowFollowFollowFollow Listen to the Author Por Favor, by Laia Sales Merino The candle in...
by wordsonawire_evsmg3 | Mar 1, 2023 | writings
Escuchar: Malombres Román Luján Malombres mira a esos grasientos quedarse con nuestros trabajos míralos multiplicarse chinches liendres contaminar nuestro sistema...
by wordsonawire_evsmg3 | Feb 6, 2023 | writings
Being invisible and without substance, a disembodiedvoice, as it were, what else could I do? What else butto try and tell you what was really happening whenyour eyes were looking through? —Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man Disembodiment August 3, 2019. El Paso, Texas At...
by | Feb 1, 2023 | memior, writings
The Book Sale By Maceo Montoya A few years before I published my first novel, when I was still hesitant to even call myself a writer, the Woodland Public Library held a book sale. On the first day of the sale, all the books were neatly stacked in milkcrates and...
by wordsonawire_evsmg3 | Feb 1, 2023 | writings
Rezo. Intervención al Capítulo XX de Balun Canán1 Escuchar: Rezo. Intervención al Capítulo XX de Balun Canán Maricela Guerrero Fragmento de A Río...
by wordsonawire_evsmg3 | Feb 1, 2023 | writings
NO TE ARRIMES A LOS ZARZALES Escuchar: NO TE ARRIMES A LOS ZARZALES Blanca Berjano «En el espejo del agua me miro y me peino el pelo.»...